What Is The Difference Between Batch Furnace And Continuous Carbonisation Furnace?

I believe that those who have some knowledge about the charcoal furnace. Indirect furnace and continuous carbonisation furnace will also have some understanding. Today specifically analyse the difference between the two:


Production efficiency: the production efficiency of continuous carbonisation furnace is very high. It can achieve fully automated large-scale production. Achieve continuous feeding and discharging. Therefore, it greatly improves the capacity of the carbonisation furnace. Can be used for: metal material production, biomass pyrolysis, etc. Intermittent carbonisation furnace is suitable for small or specialised production. Low production efficiency. Only intermittent batch production. If it is a carbonisation job with large material weight and long heating time. Batch type furnace will be more suitable than continuous carbonisation furnace.


What Is The Difference Between Batch Furnace And Continuous Carbonisation Furnace?

What Is The Difference Between Batch Furnace And Continuous Carbonisation Furnace?


Working principle: Continuous carbonisation furnace is a continuous rotating furnace in industrial production. It is a continuous production through internal heating, external heating, cooling and other operating machinery. With: short production cycle, low energy consumption, high production efficiency and other advantages and features. Intermittent furnace, on the other hand, is a furnace for intermittent carbonisation in the carbonisation process. In the heating process, cooling and processing and other operational steps are intermittent. In the case of larger loads of heavier carbide materials, the intermittent heating method will show better heating effect.


Continuous carbonisation furnaces are passed through the furnace either continuously or intermittently. Workpieces can be placed on the bottom of the furnace. It is pushed forward continuously by pushing and rolling will turn. Continuous mechanised pushing. The temperature of the combustion products in the furnace and chamber is almost uniform. Divided into several sections of front-end combustion, but also through the top of the furnace downward combustion. Usually the bottom price of the furnace is used. The heating capacity of a continuous furnace is equal to that of a batch furnace. In most cases it exceeds the batch furnace. In the batch furnace must be furnace temperature pressure low. There can be no overheating. When heating thin workpieces in a continuous carbonising furnace. As soon as the desired temperature is reached, the workpiece needs to be removed immediately. If heating thick workpiece. Uniform heating section is set in the furnace body. The workpiece can be heated evenly. The temperature of the heating section can be very high. If the workpiece has a high thermal conductivity. There is no need for a uniform heating section.

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