At What Temperature Does Wood Turn To Charcoal?

Wood carbonisation, refers to the decomposition of raw wood at high temperatures into: carbon and gases. It is a common pyrolysis process. Wood is converted to carbon at specific temperatures. The temperature at which wood is carbonised varies with the type of wood, humidity, heating rate and other factors. Wood at a temperature of: 300℃~400℃. Carbonisation will occur. The carbonisation temperature varies greatly from wood to wood. For example: pine, spruce, red cedar and other wood with lower wood density carbonisation temperature is lower. Usually 300 ℃ or less. In the case of hard woods such as oak, walnut, beech, etc. a temperature of 400°C or more is needed to send the carbonisation reaction.


At What Temperature Does Wood Turn To Charcoal?

At What Temperature Does Wood Turn To Charcoal?


The humidity of the wood also affects its carbonisation temperature. The higher the humidity, the more heat energy is needed to evaporate the internal water. As a result, the carbonisation temperature may increase. The rate of heating also has an effect on the carbonisation temperature. Carbonising wood not only improves the stability, preservation and fire resistance of the wood. Therefore, it can be widely used in many industries: construction, decoration, water purification, purification, environmental protection and so on. Wood carbonisation is a method of preserving and improving the properties of wood.


Wood charcoal carbonisation furnace is an important equipment to carbonise wood into carbon. It is divided into three stages: drying, dehydrating the raw wood under high temperature. Drying the internal moisture in it. Pyrolysis: decomposition of volatile substances in it. For example: lignin, hemicellulose, low molecular weight xylose and furfural. Coking: The finished product char after pyrolysis of wood. This is known as charcoal.

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