Biochar Pyrolysis Furnace Plant

In this day and age, environmental protection and sustainable development have become a global consensus. The use of renewable energy sources is becoming increasingly important. In this context. Biochar pyrolysis furnace has become the biomass fuel conversion equipment. Not only can it effectively deal with agricultural farm and forestry waste, but also convert waste into high-value charcoal and activated carbon. Biomass energy is attracting attention because of its wide range of sources and potential low carbon emission characteristics. It can contribute to environmental protection and economic development.


Biochar pyrolysis furnace process

Biochar pyrolysis furnace adopts advanced environmentally friendly carbonisation process. The whole pyrolysis process realises automatic production. Can be in a high temperature environment of 6000℃. Pyrolysis of biomass raw materials. Convert biomass into solid carbonaceous products and combustible gases. After the biomass heat high temperature heating. In the lack of oxygen in the environment so that its incomplete combustion occurs, which leads to the gradual decomposition of biomass. The pyrolysis process produces large quantities of flammable gases: methane and carbon monoxide. The solid carbonaceous products produced during pyrolysis are further heated. The residual volatiles are removed. This increases the fixed carbon content of the carbonaceous material. Biomass charcoal has a high calorific value and stability. Making it an ideal form of biomass energy. Achieve maximum utilisation of resources. Its structure mainly consists of: pyrolysis system, gasification system, purification system, control system and so on.
The combustible gas produced in the process of pyrolysis and carbonisation needs to be cooled and collected. The cooled gas and condenses into liquid state. This makes it easy to collect and utilise, and the collected combustible gas can be used as fuel. The biochar pyrolysis furnace is supplied with the required thermal energy. Thus realising self-sufficiency in energy.


Biochar Pyrolysis Furnace Plant


Biochar pyrolysis furnace applicable materials

Suitable for diversified biomass resources. Biomass resources include: fruit shells, straw, coconut shells, sawdust, wood, waste and other resources. Widely used in rural and urban areas. Through unique process design. Biochar pyrolysis furnace can be flexibly applied to different types and moisture content of biomass. Thus realising the efficient conversion and utilisation of resources.


Energy conversion

In biomass pyrolysis and carbonisation. Relative to the traditional coal and oil-fired energy. Biomass energy has lower CO2 emissions. Reduced impact on the global climate. Biomass pyrolysis furnace can treat organic waste such as agricultural waste. It can effectively reduce the pollution of the environment and the generation of solid waste.

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