What Are The Four Types of carbonization?

Carbonisation and charred wood can also be called heat treatment, pyrolysis, etc. Usually high quality log material is selected to be used in the carbonisation furnace, and undergo pyrolysis treatment at a high temperature of 400℃~600℃. Thus, the finished carbon is obtained. Carbonisation is a kind of communication over heating the wood to make its own chemical property change. It is an important chemical process.


What Are The Four Types of carbonization?

1. Incomplete Carbonisation: Carbonisation can be carried out at lower temperatures. At this point, part of the carbon source has not been completely converted to carbon. This carbonisation process can be used to produce materials such as activated carbon that retain the original structure and properties of their feedstock.

2. Complete Carbonisation: It is carried out under the condition of high temperature without oxygen. The raw material is completely converted into carbon. The original structure and properties of the raw material have changed a lot. It has been transformed into carbon structure. Complete carbonisation can be prepared with high performance carbon materials. Graphite, carbon brazing, etc. can be made.

3. Metallurgical Carbonisation: In metallurgy, carbonisation of metal and carbon occurs. This produces metal carbides. This carbonisation process increases the hardness and wear resistance of the metal material.

4. Carbonation: Carbonisation refers to the process of bringing organic substances to high temperatures. Ensure that there is no oxygen in the furnace. It is then subjected to a process of pyrolysis and cracking. It is converted into carbon and other gases. Carbonisation furnaces are often used in industry. It plays an important role in the environmental protection industry.


What Are The Four Types of carbonization?

What Are The Four Types of carbonization?


In a nutshell. The carbonisation process can be applied in a wide range of industry sectors: chemical, metallurgical, etc. Different carbonisation processes have different uses. If you want to know more detailed information about carbonisation furnace. Welcome your enquiry.

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