Carbonisation refers to the decomposition of high temperatures into active carbon and gases. Wood carbonisation, is the pyrolysis of waste wood at high temperatures in a carbonisation furnace, which results in the formation of finished carbon. Wood carbonisation can be divided into three stages: drying, carbonisation and cooling. The carbonisation temperature setting varies for each process.
Material drying: in the process of wood carbonisation. The wood material needs to be dried and dried. Remove the moisture from the wood. The drying temperature is usually controlled at: 80℃~120℃.
Carbonisation pyrolysis: The wood is pyrolysed under high temperature and oxygen deficient atmosphere. Thus, charcoal is carbonised. Pyrolysis in the carbonisation stage has a wide temperature range. Inside the high-temperature carbonisation furnace, it needs to be controlled at 300℃~600℃. The carbonisation temperature of the wood also needs to be based on the nature of the wood of the raw material. If the density of the raw material is high. Then the carbonisation temperature needs to be higher.
What Is The Temperature Of Carbonization Of Wood?
Material cooling: After the wood is carbonised. The material can be cooled down to room temperature by cooling. The material is cooled down by a cooling device and then discharged.
The carbonisation temperature of wood needs to be decided according to the type of wood, wet method, heating time and other factors. Normally. The carbonisation temperature of wood is about: 300°C. Thus sending the carbonisation reaction. Wood species are more. Softwood lower wood: pine, spruce, red cedar, etc. then need 300 ℃ can be. Hard woods: mahogany, cypress, oak, etc. require about 400°C to complete the carbonisation.
The above is only an estimate. The specific charring temperature needs to be based on the actual charcoal production process. The production process, charcoal furnace equipment, charring temperature, etc. need to be customised according to different types of wood to ensure high quality charcoal products. Adjusting the temperature of the charcoal furnace needs to be decided according to the type of charcoal furnace and the control system. If you want to know more detailed information about charcoal furnace. Please contact us.
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